Monday, August 29, 2011

What Was Your Favourite Day of the Summer?

I've always been too afraid to bike around the city, so walking has been my trasnport medium of choice over these plus five years in the city. Once again my two great friends April and Ashley suggested decided to surprise me with "a 101 ease into Toronto biking day". We would go bike on the island where there are virtually no cars. The reward- a picnic on the beach with lots of wine and cheese. Awesome!
Only problem was that I don't own a bike. Well with the BIXI's only costing $5.00 for the day, this was a bargain of a no brainer. So with some cautious biking from the bixi post to the ferry and many head turns from Ashley and April making sure I was still behind them, we set off unto our adventure.
What followed was the result of the best day of the summer for me. Biking on the boardwalk like carefree 5 years old. At $5.oo for the bike I am going to do this more often!! Well I soon found out that you have to report the BIXI every half hour of else you get charged an additional $5.
So yes the bike cost me fifty, and the picnic left us all scratching our legs from bed bugs for days. But it was totally worth it and hands down the best summer day! Thanks guys.

NOTE: As you look at the picture above I suggest you sing the intro to THREE'S COMPANY, because that was what we were all singing.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Self Serve Yogurt at Yogurt Spoon! Great Concept. Just Watch How Much You Pour.

My best friend Jon will never say no to frozen treats, even if you caught him leaving an ice cream parlour an hour earlier. So I decided to show him Yogurt Spoon just north of Yonge and Wellesley. Its self serve yogurt, where you pay by the weight. You must be careful however, because what can result is a 12 dollar fusion of every yogurt and topping that my buddy Jon created.

Well as you can see below he really enjoyed his creation. I myself created something lighter for under 5 dollars. Having gone there before I was already aware of how quickly the weight and price can add up.

I really do like this place and recommend everyone try it out especially with the warm days of summer started to ween out.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

If a Friend Calls Before 1pm on a Weekday for a Favor....Don't Pick Up

I hadn't seen my friend April in weeks, so when she called on a thursday at 12:15 in the afternoon I was super excited. I immediately told her I was free when she asked what I was doing in the next hour.
"Well then want to be in a music video?"
That wasn't what I had in mind for "April time", but it was such a random request that I had to oblige.
I wasn't familiar with the band, but they were definitely a friendly bunch. So when they asked me if I wanted to be the guy in the chicken costume, I didn't have the heart to say I really don't want to. Not really what I had in mind when for my music video debut, but at least I can say I was in one.