My good friend was walking beside me when all of a sudden, someone who I assumed to be a young frat boy, had their bike crash on my friend. After a quick apology this young frat boy came chasing after my friend asking for her number to be certain she got home okay. My friend laughed, but didn't oblige. So this frat boy then offered their number to have her call them instead. I was shocked and impressed by this frat boy's persistance. I decided to join my friend's girlfriend and we laughed at her partner being picked up. Before we could look back, this supposed frat boy whisked by on his bike gleefully shouting "She said I'm cute MotherFuckers!!"
I stated how impressed I was by this guy's tactics to my friends. They were both very quick to correct me.
"That was not a boy, Omid. It was a girl in her late thirties."
I was shocked and surprised. How could I miss that? Well the key I was told is to always looks at the cleavage when uncertain. I was then extended an invitation to further explore the Lesbian culture in Toronto with them by one day checking out the bar scene. Totally impressed by this woman's confident approach, I am curious to see how a larger group would interact in a more social setting. So I accept your invitation.
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